Pimax Crystal Light coupon ($10 gift) and Crystal coupon ($50 gift)

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Pimax Crystal Light coupon ($10 gift) and Crystal coupon ($50 gift)

Are you looking for Pimax Crystal Light coupon or Pimax Crystal coupon? We get it and got you covered. This coupon for the Pimax Crystal Light will give you 10$ discount, and for the Pimax Crystal will give you 50$ discount, equal to — or more than you’ll find on any coupon website.

Pimax Crystal Light coupon

On checkout at the https://pimax.com/pages/crystal-light/?ref=imc use the following coupon code:


This coupon code does not stack with other promotions or coupon codes.

Why buy the Pimax Crystal Light

  • Affordable High-End PCVR headset, starting from $699 (previously not available in this price class)
  • Ultra-sharp 2880 x 2880 resolution per eye.
  • Glass aspheric lenses with a large sweet spot.
  • 35 PPD for super clear vision.
  • Variable refresh rate. Manually adjustable IPD (58-72mm).
  • Foveated Rendering: Fixed 2.0.
  • Easy setup with inside-out tracking.
  • Audio: interchangeable 3.5mm jack, 2x microphone.

Pimax Crystal coupon

On checkout at the https://pimax.com/crystal/ use the following coupon code:


This coupon code does not stack with other promotions or coupon codes.

Why buy the Pimax Crystal

 Pimax crystal_CES reward

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