Introducing Pimax Prime: Lower Entry Barrier, Enhanced Service, and Exceptional VR Experience
Pimax Prime is a membership program designed to redefine VR ownership by offering affordable access to high-performance hardware, superior software services, and comprehensive customer support. This initiative reflects our commitment to innovation and accessibility, ensuring users benefit from cutting-edge technology with unparalleled service guarantees.
Making VR More Accessible: The Crystal Light
Acknowledging the importance of affordability, Pimax Prime introduces flexible payment plans for the Crystal Light, originally priced at $899 USD.
Pimax Prime Basic Membership
Total price of the Crystal Light: $858 - $886 USD
Base price: $599 USD (Receive the headset and try it out for 14 days)
Prime (Pay in Pimax Play app):
- 24 months at $11.99 USD/month
- Or: One-off payment of $259
After 24 months (or the one-off payment), the whole headset is yours and you'll never be required to pay for any subscription. The subscription is tied to your headset, so even if you sell it, the subscription won't reset.

Order Crystal Light Now
Expanding Opportunities: The Crystal Super
For those seeking top-tier VR technology, the Crystal Super is now available under the Pimax Prime program.
Pimax Prime Basic Membership
Total price of the Crystal Super QLED 57PPD: $1,696 - $1,791 USD
Base price: $999 USD (Receive the headset and try it out for 14 days)
Prime (Pay in Pimax Play app):
- 24 months at $32.99 USD/month
- Or: One-off payment of $697
After 24 months (or the one-off payment), the whole headset is yours and you'll never be required to pay for any subscription. The subscription is tied to your headset, so even if you sell it, the subscription won't reset.

Pre-order Crystal Super Now
The world's smallest full-feature 8K resolution VR headset: The Dream Air
For gamers seeking a clearer and lighter VR experience, the Dream Air is the perfect choice. Now available through the Pimax Prime program.
Pimax Prime Basic Membership
Total price of the Dream Air: $1,895 - $1,991 USD
Base price: $1199 USD (Receive the headset and try it out for 14 days)
Prime (Pay in Pimax Play app):
- 24 months at $32.99 USD/month
- Or: One-off payment of $697
After 24 months (or the one-off payment), the whole headset is yours and you'll never be required to pay for any subscription. The subscription is tied to your headset, so even if you sell it, the subscription won't reset.

Pre-order Dream Air Now
Additionally, future membership tiers will include discounts on accessories and services. For simulator enthusiasts, Pimax is developing specialized features like customizable game settings, interactive windows, voice control, and more.
Pimax Prime demonstrates our dedication to breaking barriers in VR accessibility and excellence. With improved technology, flexible payment options, and exceptional customer service, Pimax Prime delivers the future of VR ownership.
How do refunds work?
You pay the base price ($599 for Light, $999 for Super) and receive the headset.
If you like the headset, choose Pimax Prime, you can choose to pay at once for a discount (10% for Light, 12% for Super), or you can keep trying the headset for 14 days (and then choose Prime), or refund.
After your 14 day trial period ends, refunds are no longer possible.
Any refunds issued will also include any costs paid for Pimax Prime.
How do I pay for Prime?
The Prime Membership Fee is payable after receiving the headset through Pimax Play. You can choose to pay for it one time or spread out over 24 months.
What if there's an issue with the headset?
For any technical issue through no fault of the user within the warranty, Pimax will replace the headset at no cost for the user. Any costs, including shipping , are covered by Pimax.
After you’ve completed the 2 year subscription, you can then use it for free as long as you like?
Yes. After 24 months (or if you decide to pay off Prime in one go), the whole headset is yours and you'll never be required to pay for any subscription. The subscription is tied to your headset, so even if you sell it, the subscription won't reset.
Why is the price split into two parts?
This refund policy from Pimax is quite good, users can try the headset for 14 days and then refund it if they want. (Many high-end VR brands do not offer any form of refund.)
We see this as offering more flexible options for users. Users can choose themselves to pay for Prime in one time or 24 months.
How to sell the headset if I'm still paying per month?
Again, 24 months is an option. Users can also just choose to pay in one-go and never have this situation.
Any contract duration left, users can also pay off the remainder of the months left, but then no discount (10% for Light and 12% for Super) is available.
Even then, every headset (including Pimax Prime) can be transferred twice in the duration of the contract.
What happens if I choose the monthly plan and miss a payment?
You can pay Prime at once and you never have this situation occur. But yes, if you choose for monthly payments, and miss a payment, then the Pimax Play software will stop functioning, until you complete the payment.
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Key Considerations
Performance and Compatibility
When it comes to visual performance, the Crystal Light, with its 16.5 million pixels and 35 PPD, stands out as one of the best clarity consumer VR headsets on the market today. Whether you're flying complex aircraft, racing at high speeds, or engaging in precision combat, the Crystal Light enhances the experience by delivering smooth, detailed visuals without overburdening your system. This means you don’t need the latest GPU to enjoy top-tier VR.
In contrast, the, with its 29.5 million pixels and 57 PPD, offers unprecedented retinal-level clarity. This level of resolution makes the line between the real world and the virtual world almost indistinguishable. The upgraded panel and lenses improve clarity, brightness, and contrast while providing more headroom for advanced GPUs and CPUs. To fully unlock the potential of this next-gen headset, you might need the latest GPU models. For users who prioritize ultimate VR performance and don't mind investing heavily, the Crystal Super is the ideal choice.