Pimax Crystal Light

The following experience center support the Pimax Crystal Light trial program.

[United States] RPM Rush

Address: Historic District, 7545 Presidential Ln, Manassas, VA 20109, United States
Website: https://www.rpm-rush.com/
Email: info@rpm-rush.com
Phone: +1 703-570-4110
Fee: $30 for 30 minutes

PIMAX2024 (Get 20% off your first session)

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[United States] Sector X Simulations

Address: 5937 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33140, United States
Phone: 888-444-6050 (appointment only via call)
Fee: Free

[Austria] CAD-Forge GmbH

Address:Joanneumring 7/7 8010 Graz Austria
Website: https://www.cad-forge.at/about/ & https://xr-need.com/en/
Email: reinhard@cad-forge.at
Phone: +43699 11 71 71 19
Fee: Free
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[Switzerland] SimHangar

Address: Beinwilerstrasse 11, 4053 Basel, Switzerland
Website: https://helisimhangar.ch/pimax-experience-center/
Email: info@helisimhangar.ch
Phone: +41 61 511 21 99
Fee: 15 mins free. Use code "PIMAX" to give 10% on a full simulation session.

[Singapore] VR Base

Address: 420 North Bridge Road, North Bridge Centre #02-06, Singapore 188727
Website: https://vrbase.sg/
Email: hi@thevrclub.sg
Phone: +6580287226
Fee: Free
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Pimax Crystal

The following experience center support the Pimax Crystal trial program.

Vessel Studios

Address: 12 Cotton St, Liverpool L3 7DY
Website: LiverpoolStudios.co.uk
Email: info@liverpoolstudios.co.uk
Phone: 0151 207 4744


Address: Furuvägen 3C 54873 Lyrestad Sweden
Website: www.povvr.se
Email: kristian@povvr.se
Phone: 073 88 66 000

Liang VR Distribution Sdn Bhd

Address: Block G, Kompleks Permaisuri Q, Bandar Sri Permaisuri, 56000 Cheras, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Website: linktr.ee/liangvr
Email: LiangVR.Distribution@gmail.com
Phone: 60 16-288 7151


Address: 12 Reese Avenue Richmond, South Australia
Website: vr-zone.com.au
Email: sales@vr-zone.com.au
Phone: +61 413 978 104

Unbound XR

Address: Kerkenbos 1063M, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Website: https://www.facebook.com/unbound.nl
Email: service@unboundxr.nl
Phone: +31851302742

Hololounge Siegen @ Lasertag Arena Siegen

Address: Lasertag Arena Siegen, Alcher Straße 53, D-57072, Siegen, Germany
Website: https://www.lasertag-arena-siegen.de
Email: kontakt@lasertag-arena-siegen.de
Phone: +49(0)27133886548


Address: 400 Dynon Rd, West Melbourne VIC 3003
Website: aftershockpc.com.au
Email: sales@aftershockpc.com.au
Phone: +61390433893


Address: 5 rue Pierre NEVEU 61600 La Ferté Macé
Website: www.mobsim.fr
Email: contact@mobsim.fr
Phone: 02 3366 7227


Address: Branickiego 16 , Warsaw, 02-972, Poland
Website: www.techvers.eu
Email: support@techvers.eu
Phone: +48 780 445 388

Saudi Linge Technology for Trading Company

Address: Building No. 2811, 2rd floor Alhamra Plaza ,Falestine street, Al-Hamra'a dis, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Website: --
Email: Khalid@first-cons.com
Phone: +966 559337598

Gateway Computer Resources Limited

Address: Room 206, 2/F, Sunbeam Centre, 27 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Website: https://www.gcr.com.hk/en/Home
Email: enquiry@gcr.com.hk
Phone: 852-2318-5300

Tracks VR

Address:625 Manitou Rd SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4C2
Website: https://tracksvr.com/
Email: support@tracksvr.com
Phone: (403) 827-4554