1. Connect your headset to your computer

Plug the DisplayPort, USB cables into your computer. The connection between the cable and the PC desktop is shown in the figure below:
Note: The USB cable is directly powered by the 8KX/5K SUPER/8K PLUS headset, without additional connection to the power adapter.

2. Download Pimax Play

Go to the Downloads & Manuals page, download and install Pimax Store.

3. Login
Open the Pimax Store client, enter your username or game and password, and click the Login button to enter.
If you have not registered, click the Register button below. (Please skip this step if you are already registered)
4. My device page
Click the icon below My Devices in the bottom left corner and click the icon below My Devices to enter the page.
5. Connect my Pimax Device
The default page is shown below.
Click on the guidance and follow the instructions until the connection is complete.
pimax-guide pimax-guide pimax-guide pimax-guide pimax-guide
If you don’t have the base station select the 9-axis sensor in tracking mode, which can be used to watch movies or experience racing, flight simulation, and other games.
Please note: if you are mainly into Sims then you can use 3DoF mode. However many simmers will recommend having at least 1 Lighthouse due to the ability of lean. Without a lighthouse you cannot lean forward, backwards or left and right.
pimax pimax
SteamVR Installation Notes
Click on the Library-Tools, find Steam VR and click install. If you don’t have the Steam software, brwose Steam's official website
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